Children’s Ministries
Feel free to browse our events page and see all our seasonal, fun-filled events made especially for your children.
AWANA is a high energy children's program that helps children comprehend and apply biblical principals. AWANA takes place on Wednesday nights from 7pm-8:30pm, September - May (during the school year - AWANA is off during the Summer). An adult service and fellowship time takes place simultaneously so that parents can stay during the program.
Children from age 3 through 6th grade welcome. Parents are welcome to volunteer, or enjoy the adult service.
A night at Awana includes:
Active Games
Bible Study
Puppet Shows
Magic Shows
Messages from God's Word
Lots of Adult Supervision
For more information call the church office (585) 334-8524
IGNITE stands for Instilling Good News Impacting the Earth. IGNITE is dynamic children’s church program for kids ages 2 yrs. - 6th grade. IGNITE takes place on Sunday mornings 11am - 12:15pm. Your children will learn God's Word in a real way all while having fun! Your kids will have fun participating in games, snacks, crafts, drama, and music. Here at Victory, we put an emphasis on the needs of our children. They are the future of our generation and we ought to raise them up in the way that they should go.
Many opportunities to serve in this ministry exist for those who love children and want to be a part of teaching our young people about the love of Jesus. Teachers, assistants, helpers with special projects, working one-on-one with special needs children are a few of the needs of this special and rewarding ministry.
For questions or more information please contact our Children’s Pastor Blake Staton:
Children’s Sunday School
Pioneer Girls
Welcome to Victory Pioneer Girls, where we invite our girls into a personal relationship with Jesus and teach them to be students of God’s Word, while supporting them as they become women of character with Biblical values and practical life skills! We meet every Monday evening in the Coffee Corner right inside the main building from 6:00 - 7:00pm, September - May (during the school year - Pioneer Girls does not meet during the Summer). Ages 5-12.
Children’s Sunday School
Your kids will enjoy learning God’s Word and growing in their faith in one of our Children’s Sunday school Classes. We offer Children's Sunday School classes for ages 2 yrs. - 6th grade. Classes meet on Sunday mornings 9:30am - 10:30am.
for more information
For questions or more information, please contact our Office Manager Heather Walker: or call the church office at (585) 334-8524
For More information
For questions or more information please contact our Children’s Pastor Blake Staton:
We have facilities for your children available during all services.
We are equipped with a notification system so that if for some reason your child requires your attention, you will be notified.
Attention Breast Feeding Mothers: We have a room in our infant care room where you can feed your baby in private. There is a comfortable chair and a curtain so that you can feed your baby in a relaxed atmosphere.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact our Children’s Pastor Blake Staton: